MA in Communication (Thesis/English) - Department Information   
Language English
Program Time (Year) 2
Max.Program Time (Year) 3
Program Quota
Internships Status Absent
About Programme

Profile of the Programme

The Faculty of Communication’s master programme in communication aims to provide the students with theoretical and practical background and expertise in fields of radio, television, mass media, visual communication, public relation as well as advertising. It examines the content and the modes of operation of traditional and emerging communication forms and media in their social, cultural, economical, political and regulatory contexts.  The Faculty of Communication aims to provide the students with conceptual tools essential to success in a communication intensive world.

Occupational profiles of the graduates

The Faculty of Communication prepares its MA students for an extensive range of job opportunities. The graduates of our programme may find work opportunities ranging from various branches of media industry to advertising, from public relations sector to research institutes on the field. The programme focuses on the theoretical and practical matters to consider the demands of the complexity of today’s communication world.

Graduation Requirements

The students, who score a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) 2.70 / 4.00, and successfully complete all the courses (120 ECTS), may start writing their thesis, and the students who successfully accomplish the Master thesis defense are awarded with Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Communication.

The Main Branch of Science
Prof. Dr. Ebru Gökaliler
Program was launched in 2010-2011 academic year.
Qualification Awarded
Admission Requirements
Updated admission criteria for Turkish nationalities are available at Social Sciences Institute. For Applications, please use this link:
Updated admission criteria for Foreign nationalities are available at International Relations and Programs Office Directorate. For applications, please use this link:
Higher Grade Transition
The students who successfully complete this program may apply to Ph.D programs.
Graduation Requirements
Students, who have achieved all courses in their programs with a grade of minimum B- or S and CGPA of 3.00 over 4.00, are qualified to gain a Master’s degree with thesis, complete their master’s degree education with thesis and provide all required conditions for graduation.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates gain expertise in communication fields which can be beneficial for both professional and academic purposes.
Assessment and Grading
Exams are theory based and in evaluation and interpretation style.Examination and Assessment criteria of Yaşar University Postgraduate Education and Examination Directive is considered as a base.